Friday, November 02, 2007

birthday @ creative home.

today's creative home meeting was kinda different. sheila had this new hairstyle that looked made her look like a japanese doll (nin gyo, iirc). oh, and we celebrated her birthday since it was around the corner. then she carried a sesame street oscar doll and took a photo. like a doll holding a doll -.-

anyway... as far as i remember, birthday celebrations wasn't really much of a culture in boys' school (or maybe for my circle of friends lah). my days of schooling in 10 year's of boys school was brash, lackadaiscal and plain... brainless. like smearing chilli sauce on your shoe soles and leaving your victorious imprint on someone else's uniform. messing up someone's nicely gelled up "kali pok" hairstyle into mee goreng. tactically and strategically "bio-ing" at "bio-able" female teachers. ha, some of these acts have followed me on in the later parts of my life while others have been relegated to days of yore. as to which is what, i leave it to your imagination. right, now someone is acting coy.

and back to sheila's birthday celebration. me, her and crispin were like waiting for a cab opp. funan. then we were poking fun at cris in his "pursuit of happyness" (an internal joke) then somehow the topic fell on me and i was asked by sheila whether i have found the right one. maybe, she should ask whether 晴晴 has found the right one instead. lol, i was stunned like for a moment. then while she said "the most ideal kinda lover is the kinda that you were qing mei chu ma with and will marry eventually"

and then i replied, "yup, i'm also looking for her"

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