Tuesday, January 01, 2008

parenting - a process to nurture or a slippery slope.

having touched down at 10pm on new year's eve, i wouldn't really expect myself to be blogging now and about such a weighty, i mean burdensome, issue. (i've learnt my lessons on puns after realising that there are ppl like moonkey that will take note of the finer nuances even if they come unintended)

well, this issue came to me in fact after sitting in a discussion of my cousins with my family. apparently, my cousins somehow are all residing in rather "incomplete" and "unwholesome" families, so to speak. and that apparently, we've became worried as to how and what kind of individuals they'll grow up into. that is not to say my family is an ideal and conducive one. in true fact, i do have much gripes about how i was brought up. but maybe, i like to look for solutions more than solely (thanks anonymous for your finesse in spotting my typos =p) deliberating on the cause and effect cycle in itself.

and as the debate progressed, i was interestingly changing my sides between my parents and siblings. my parents being conservative and bred by the old school kind of parenting, like to impose their old lifestyle and habits on us. on the other hand, my siblings are fond of making comparisons with their peers and fixing the apparent flaws of my family from the standards of their peers yet again. for me, i realised long ago if it's broken, fix it. but if it's broken beyond repair, it's timely to shop for a new one. seriously, what's the whole point of brooding over the past when the wisest thing to do is to pave a future that is laid with the foundation from the mistakes made in the past. and hence with my belief, it was interesting to see how the debate becomes heated and the dichotomy between the two camps.

notwithstanding, i think parenting is really a journey of life in itself. one which you start to mould and nurture a new life, one that is prone to making wrong turns at the crossroads, one that may be potentially rewarding or regretful. just looking at the news itself - the divorce rates, latchkey children, youth at risks, unwed mums and what not. and it seems to me not everyone is aware of the heavy responsibility one will undertake in bringing a new life to this world. not that i've fully grasped. but as i grow to be more aware, i've also grown to be more apprehensive of life 10, 20, 30 years down the road especially when i will take on more functions in life. will i falter in my functions or take heart that i've laid the tiny stepping stones that lead in the right direction.

or maybe, i'm thinking far too far ahead.

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