Saturday, August 04, 2007

drunken on moonlight.

just yesterday, i was at miss clarity's cafe for a late dinner with some of new project mates. quite like the ambience - partly because of decor and the music that was accompanying in the background. it's a great place to dine and just chill without feeling any obtrusiveness or inhibitions. but i guess most importantly, it was the company of the new friends i have made through Creative Home that made me feel this way. and as we concluded, we are a quite a "rojak" team given the diverse backgrounds and work we are involved in. but i guess we'll all work steadily towards every phase of our project for the good of the beneficary. the buildup to the finale is always tumultuous and painstaking as for everything in life. so keep holding on yah.

and then we all enjoyed the signature desert unequivocally. mud ooze as it was named - a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream with swirls of chocolate syrup that lined the mountain of white randomly. beneath it was warm and moist chocolate shortcake that was filling to the edges of the cup. wielding your spoon into the frosty mountain then into the hot melting lava and there you have it - an uber sinful... sinfully irresistable treat that is bound to bring some much sought-after warmth when you need it in low and unhappy and emotionally needful times. or so we call it, comfort food.

and it's times like this,
when i just want to be drunken on moonlight with a pint of melancholy.

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