having downed about 5 mugs of beer and completed a seemingly unending application for the spring scholarship, it's a wonder i can still be here blogging.
before i go into this posting proper, i have to routinely recap on my life lest age catches up with while memory falls far back behind me. nothing really major took place this week except an interview with tnp on mon and YAH recruitment @ RP on wed and thur. recruitment was much more pleasant and bearable with the nerdy and chirpy girl a.k.a. Felicia. had a great time yakking with her over a plethora of topics at the "booth" and over lunch. but a slip of the tongue made me reveal some of my unglam past lah! (sshhh)
and to the posting proper. today was another day of work as a sales rep. i really relish the flexibility and opportunity to meet business owners and to pitch to them. but i believe the greatest takeaway is being fed with so many insights and advice from them about their entrepreneurial challenges in their respective industries. only and (perhaps, the biggest) drawback - many of my prospects haven't been 'closed' because they are unsure of the efficacy of the advertising platform i'm promoting since it hasn't been launched, as yet. * bummer *
in the evening, i met up with my secondary school scouting buddies - seng and ey. walter and nick was supposed to join us at timbre only later then, but i left early. given the fact that i haven't seen them since j1 years, it was somewhat a warm get-together nonetheless, reminiscing about the good ol' times we had in scouting.
after a simple zi char dinner, we stepped into a pub called 'Club Instinct' along purvis street. not that it had appealed to our senses or instincts, but we went there largely because of the cheap drinks as my friend was a regular there. none of the fanciful or over-the-board decor or music, instead the background music alternated between chinese and canto pop in a simplified setting.
and so we dropped our physical burdens i.e. bags and what not (but probably still laden with emotional ones) and got ourselves started with a jug of tiger. as i was savouring the bitter malt with its crisp aftertaste, i glanced around. a few guys sat in front of the bar with their only companion - alcohol.
i then returned to conversation with seng and ey. we caught up on each others' lives and occasionally seng went out for a puff or two. and ey told me seng is always the happy-go-lucky big brother that will be all ears for everyone else's problems but doesn't ever impose on or let others into his untold difficulties. perhaps with the exception of nicotine and alcohol, that are privy to or rather acquainted with his inner world.
before i go into this posting proper, i have to routinely recap on my life lest age catches up with while memory falls far back behind me. nothing really major took place this week except an interview with tnp on mon and YAH recruitment @ RP on wed and thur. recruitment was much more pleasant and bearable with the nerdy and chirpy girl a.k.a. Felicia. had a great time yakking with her over a plethora of topics at the "booth" and over lunch. but a slip of the tongue made me reveal some of my unglam past lah! (sshhh)
and to the posting proper. today was another day of work as a sales rep. i really relish the flexibility and opportunity to meet business owners and to pitch to them. but i believe the greatest takeaway is being fed with so many insights and advice from them about their entrepreneurial challenges in their respective industries. only and (perhaps, the biggest) drawback - many of my prospects haven't been 'closed' because they are unsure of the efficacy of the advertising platform i'm promoting since it hasn't been launched, as yet. * bummer *
in the evening, i met up with my secondary school scouting buddies - seng and ey. walter and nick was supposed to join us at timbre only later then, but i left early. given the fact that i haven't seen them since j1 years, it was somewhat a warm get-together nonetheless, reminiscing about the good ol' times we had in scouting.
after a simple zi char dinner, we stepped into a pub called 'Club Instinct' along purvis street. not that it had appealed to our senses or instincts, but we went there largely because of the cheap drinks as my friend was a regular there. none of the fanciful or over-the-board decor or music, instead the background music alternated between chinese and canto pop in a simplified setting.
and so we dropped our physical burdens i.e. bags and what not (but probably still laden with emotional ones) and got ourselves started with a jug of tiger. as i was savouring the bitter malt with its crisp aftertaste, i glanced around. a few guys sat in front of the bar with their only companion - alcohol.
i then returned to conversation with seng and ey. we caught up on each others' lives and occasionally seng went out for a puff or two. and ey told me seng is always the happy-go-lucky big brother that will be all ears for everyone else's problems but doesn't ever impose on or let others into his untold difficulties. perhaps with the exception of nicotine and alcohol, that are privy to or rather acquainted with his inner world.
i did attempt to "deftly" pry open the can of worms thinking that the onslaught of alcohol would come in handy, but seng just laughed it off when questioned. in the end, i succumbed to the resigned realization that maybe ignorance is bliss after all. looking at the many wearied souls around me once again, i wondered what kind of place does alcohol has in their lives and mine.
and somewhat in a contrived manner these few sentences insidiously came to my mind,
plagued with differing struggles,
congregated yet with a common resolve,
hence typifying a solace, release or escape?
then again, it could really be the tiger at work.
good night.
and somewhat in a contrived manner these few sentences insidiously came to my mind,
plagued with differing struggles,
congregated yet with a common resolve,
hence typifying a solace, release or escape?
then again, it could really be the tiger at work.
good night.
- a random picture taken at *scape -
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