and today i've started my sales job officially. it's been an enjoyable and challenging experience for me. went to central on a shop to shop basis, asked for contacts or pitched directly when the decision makers were around. pitched 3 times on my first day, am satisfied. hope it'll be a close, while i wait to follow up. *fingers crossed*
was really one hectic and exciting day too, to speak of. after sales for say slightly more than half of the day, went to halogen to settle accounts with junn again. in fact, i dread going to halogen for the purpose of creative home accounts. but knowing and learning from junn is an experience altogether. from stammering on the phone while speaking to her initially to periodical meetings with her to update the accounts to knowing her on a deeper level and being invited to her wedding. really learnt a lot about accounting from her, at least in the practical sense.
after that, i met this middle-aged guy who interestingly started talking with me at the B2 of some old shopping centre. his conversation went,
him: "do you work here"
me: "no, i don't. i happen to have a meeting around the area. hah, why do you ask?"
him: "my wife said this area has quite a lot of gays and one tried to hit on me."
me: *tried my best not to be skeptical about this and to suppress my raised eyebrows*
and then we parted. then i went to mac to chill out and consolidate my leads. then this guy came and i smiled. so we ended up talking for the next 20mins or so. and i got to learn that he's actually the district director of alexandra aia. then his friend came and he talked with him. and ended up i talked with his friend for another 15mins and he was sharing with me opportunities to be part of a MNC that does the sales & marketing campaigns for various industries.
and to wrap up the day, i headed to smu with kenneth (oh) for a workshop by eric feng again on 'how to become a people magnet, building a personal network you can count on' hah, it's hard to find like-minded people of my age that are interested and willing to invest money and time in themselves. and im glad he shared this lobang. thanks bro.
i wouldn't say it's totally content packed. certain things taught are readily apparently but not readily practised on a daily basis. learnt about networking, improving inter personal relations, business networking and even how to create a name for yourself in whatever line you intend to embark on. was definitely worth the price i would say.
and we ended with a "free hugs" activity, was a v sweet parting gesture. and i met so many cool people. 3 people from Walton which I happen to know of the land bank investment opportunities from Edgeworth. 1 wealth management consultant, software engineers, bank sales consultant, fengshui consultant, telemarketer and what not. also, this lady who looks amazingly young to be a lecturer for culture & comms at RP. hah, have touched base with her and hopefully will catch up next week at RP for YAH recruitment :)
most interestingly, i met this lady who's also into volunteering and social enterprise! well i've been always been passionate about the prospect of setting up a social enterprise and micro credit facility in a 3rd world country. and when she told me she and her friend are intending to set up a micro enterprise facility in myanmar, my face lit up! and it brightened up a few more watts when she was looking for partners too. hopefully, one of my dreams will take off soon.
till then, let me immerse in the excitement and dynamism of this stage of my life.
~ Carpe Diem.
* so sorry for being so narcissistic >.<"
i didn't mean to be a killer, at least not a narcissistic one to start with.
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