i've watched Step Up 2 today and i was just blown away. it was waaaaaaaaaayyyy coool and plain neat. oh man, i'm like "sot" by the female lead - briana evigan. i so like her feisty and devil-may-care attitude. and her smile is like etched in my mind. and there's a part she said that i particularly like -
"it's not what you've got, but what you make out of what you've got"
before i go all besotted and ga-ga with her, i'm so glad i've rushed out one of my much over-due "writing pursuits" the title sounds corny but what the heck? i'd like to think that the higher beings are rather fair (so to speak) as I've told mich. since i'm not blessed athletically, artistically, musically (or perhaps even aesthetically), i just have to capitalize on my ability to write lotsa bull. well, briana taught me that, didnt she?

I have named the Green Wall as “Breathing Drapes of Nature” mainly because it somehow represents a gentle awakening and cognizance that amidst the hustle and bustle of school life, we students do need to find time to “breathe” like how the ‘creeping vines’ are.
From a functional point of view, these vines can be likened to drapes that provide the buildings with screening shade. Together with the complementing backdrop of garden courts and roof gardens, it is indeed “a signature for SMU’s ‘Campus in the Park’”
However, I like to believe the ‘hanging creepers’ exists for reasons more significant (though subtler) than that. The fact that the ‘hanging creepers’ line the normally cold and unfeeling skyscrapers in the SMU campus in harmony, goes to show that our environment and the urbanized landscape need not be mutually exclusive.
On the contrary, it instead reminds us that we are not only stakeholders in the modernized landscape but as well as in the environmental realm. And that the ‘creeping vines’ are shading us from the sun yet enveloping the warmth from within reiterates the dependency we have, on Mother Nature. Therefore, environmental awareness should indeed be a common shared concern and not be detached from us in our rat race. If not, we may literally be “burnt out” by the sun first before the heat from the competition even gets to us.
Last but not least, it’s back to the point of ‘needing to find time to breathe’. Caught in our constant pursuits to attain and then maintain impressive GPAs, seize the coveted places for exchanges and scholarships and what not, I thought that many of us (perhaps, including myself) sadly have not much of a life or time for ourselves.
We could have forgotten how to stop and stare and breathe.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and like OMG, ed shared with me another youtube video for me to bask in the mood of love. guys and girls, you are in treat. it's like so damn sweeeeet can?
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