Saturday, December 30, 2006
end of pensive mood
read an interesting poem on the forums... hhmm
The greatest irony of love
Loving the right person at the wrong time,
Having the wrong person when the time is right,
And finding out you love someone right after
That person walks out of your life.
And sometimes, you think you're already over a person,
Until you see them smile at you again,
You'll suddenly realize that you're really not.
For some, they think that letting go is one way
Of expressing how much you love the person,
By sacrificing your happiness for theirs,
Without realizing that the other person's
Doing the same thing for them.
Most relationships tend to fail
Not because of the absence of love;
Love is always present,
It's just that one is being loved too much
And the other was being loved too little.
We always fall in love with the person we think we love,
Only to discover that what we loved about them fades.
Bad experiences are always remembered,
But it's the wonderful memories that are captured
To remind us that there are brighter days ahead
And that happiness exists.
You need to learn to let go when you're hurting too much,
Realize that sometimes love just isn't enough
And accept the fact that things aren't always gonna be the same.
There is someone out there who will love you more.
It's all the thought you put into your decisions
That impairs your judgement
When your heart already knows what you need to do.
Listen to your heart. Even though it's on the left side, it's always right.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
day 4,5
From the slums to a high school, it was as if we endured the tough times and here we are at an environment that could shower us with more hospitality. The first programme was sort of an opening ceremony to welcome the REACH team. The high school students put up many entertaining performances for us. Indeed, I don't think they will pale in comparison with us. Duets, monologues, songs and dances. In fact, the grade1 class i took for Mathematics later in the day had one multi-talented student! She was the top grade one student, school monologue representative and in the dance team. The latest news i heard on the second day was that she was taking entrance examinations for a scholarship to college.
We were received like VIPs and our resting quarters was actually the Principal's Office. She was one very motherly figure and we can really see her genuine care and concern for the school population, teachers and students alike. In the office, we were inundated by the endless supply of food and tibits. And there were student leaders to help us. More interestingly, I made a new friend with one of them, Kim! She was like carrying the plates in and out of the office every now and then, yet with a smile on her face always. We promised to keep in contact through writing! There, a new friend found :)
I taught a grade one class mathematics, specifically the concepts of gradient and graphs. Fortunately, they were quite keen on learning. After that, we played 7-up with them. And i made them perform for us as a form of forfeit. Interaction with them was great and they were not in the least bit bashful or reluctant.
And we all had a souvenir to remind us of the days at Garing. A personalised tee shirt with our names printed on it. Will always remember Garing National High School for their warmth and hospitality. :)
day 2,3
The day commenced with grey skies and light drizzle. And the news of the impending Typhoon Seniang (Durian) in Cebu, Philippines made many parents of the trippers worry about their safety. Fortunately, the progress of our construction projects were not hindered. So we arrived at Lapu Lapu Slum and the first task on hand was to carry hollow blocks from the alley all the way to our toilet site. For the many girls in my group, they were rather unaccustomed to the terrain and the heavy load. To make things worse, the rocks were slippery and many of them slipped and fell. Meanwhile, i tried to slow the pace down hoping this will keep spirits up.
In the afternoon, we mingled with the kids and taught them simple english. What hit me deeply were that the kids there can be really easily contented. When we started to give out sweets, all of them and i really mean ALL of them will rush in a horde towards you for the sweets as if it was a forbidden fruit or something. After Pastor Alex led the children in grace, we started the feeding programme of Day1 and we fed around 100 children a simple meal of chicken porridge and banana. Joe said his eyes were teary when he saw the look on the childrens' face, the look of sheer gratefulness and joy. At that moment, I thought to myself "With only SGD $20, we can run a feeding programme to feed 100 children and they are truly thankful" In retrospect, I can't imagine that materialising in Singapore, not in that magnitude or even the way that the children here will receive of it.
We wrapped up day 1 in a debrief at a "seafood restaurant" And during my debrief, I i stepped on the toes of the younger mentees. Sometimes, the way you relate your thoughts and views may not be as what intended. This made me learnt that I'm still really raw in the department of communication and more generally, soft skills. Like what I was sharing with Joe and Edmond, I believe i can lead my team to achieve the objectives but when it comes to managing the team dynamics and getting them to gel together, i still need alot of honing.
Day2 was almost about a mirror of Day1's programme just that we were more involved in the construction of the toilet cubicles. We were led real deep into the slums this time by Pastor Robin. Because of the rainfall the previous day, the slums became like a kampung. I had a short talk with Pastor Robin and he told me that the slums had no proper drainage system because there are no proper channels to dispose of the waste water. Petitions to the government are also ineffective because of red tape. How could the children live in such conditions? Yet, i saw the children having fun trying to hop precariously on the stones and even enjoying themselves when they step into the muddy waters.
After our feeding and food giveaway programme in the afternoon, my group people played basketball with the teens over there. They were aggressive but real good at the game. When we were walking to our van to depart from the slums. The teens came up to us and asked us for our mailing address and mobile phone numbers. Deep down, we had really built a emotional rapport with them. For me, it was with Amid and JanJan! Two days of brief contact with the people in Lapu Lapu Slums made us realise how fortunate yet uncontented we are. Maybe it's time we start redefining how we view genuine happiness.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
day 1
When we touched down at Mactan International Airport, we were welcomed with a banner and the warm locals. We checked in at a budget tourist inn - YMCA Hostel. I guessed many of the footprinters were aghast at the living conditions in the hostel. The extremely cramped living quarters, the dim ceiling lights and the whole overall feel of the hostel as if, a remnant of the world war proved to be the first shock to the footprinters.
Pace of things picked up very quickly as the respective project I/Cs were tasked to discuss the project details over breakfast. I met my pastor in charge of the Lapu Lapu project - Pastor Alex. To be frank, until now I still have not a clear character judge of him. However throughout the whole trip, he was like a mentor to me guiding and watching every single detail that can possibly go awry. On the other hand, the other trippers have an impression that PA is taking advantage of us. Whatever is the case, I guess as long as our primary objective is fufilled - to feed the people on hand and assist in the construction, everything has worked through.
Sitting in the rear of the mini cab was as though sitting in a lorry in Singapore just that i felt the air in Cebu was more polluted. In the afternoon, we proceeded to purchase the raw materials required for our feeding programme and construction project. Everything was falling into place from the planning that started about a month ago and i was glad no major hiccups occured thus far. My other team members and i went to the actual site to do a reccee. The undulating terrain, the slippery descendings from rocks and what not - all were part of the path that my entire team had to trek through for the construction project tomorrow.
Sunset in Cebu was something that took us a while to get used. At around 1730h, the sun was already setting. And at 1800h, the skies were as dark as what we have at 2000h in Singapore. After clarifying any other doubts with PA with regards to the construction project, we dragged our fatigue selves back to YMCA Hostel. Following which, i did a project briefing to my group members on what to expect the following day. An early rest for two days of toiling was certainly warranted.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Phil trip - prologue
(The Prologue)

Maayong Buntag! (Good Afternoon in Cebuano).
I have just returned from a 10 days, 9 nights expedition cum community service trip in Cebu, Philippines. This short trip was more than just a blue sky holiday for me, it was a trip of personal growth, thoughts and reflections. Indeed, i feel extremely fufilled and rewarded both in tangible and intangible terms. If i were to blog my entire Cebu experience in a single entry in one single attempt, it will be less than complete and certainly too lengthy for me and you yah. So i've decided to blog this wonderful experience as if i'm writing a novel. As of now, we are consolidating the pictures from the trip and i'll start posting entries in chronological order for you to sneak a peek at what i did in Cebu and for myself so that down the road one day when i am reading these entries, the memories i had in Cebu will still be fresh and vivid!
Day 1 (YMCA hostel, Cebu City) "Checking in"
a) Touched down in Philipines at around 5.30 am. Travelled to our living quarters at YMCA and project I/Cs started to discuss with their respective pastors about the greater details of their project.
b) Went to Lapu Lapu Slum to do a site recce after purchasing the raw materials required for the programme the following days.
Day 2,3 (Lapu Lapu City, Canjulao) "Deep into the slums, in the face of stark reality"
Led a team of 9 other mentors and mentees to
a) Assist in the construction of two toilet cubicles and two toilet pumps. These infrastructure will serve the 300 families living in the slums.
b) Run a feeding programme to feed 100 children for two days and a give-away programme on the second day. Feeding programme on Day 2 consisted of a bowl of chicken porridge and a banana each while Day 3's was a bowl of chocolate porridge with banana. The give-away programme for 100 pax consisted of a food pack of 2kg rice, 2 packets of instant noodles and a can of sardines.
c) Played simple games, sang songs like "london bridge", "twinkle" and taught them simple English songs. Not forgetting playing basketball with my buddies over there at Lapu Lapu - Amid and Jan Jan!
d) Home visit
Day 4,5 (Garing National High School) "The warmth and hospitality in a familiar setting"
a) Assisted in the construction of an extension of a school shelter and school clinic.
b) Taught grade one students (equivalent of Secondary 1) Mathematics, more specifically gradients and graphs. After that, we played with them games like '7-up', 'charades' and musical chairs
c) Shared with 100 over students about my dreams and aspirations.
d) Home visit to a grade one student's house. Communication was all thanks to my favourite and trusted fourth year student leader, KIM! She was really nice in telling me more about the school and being our translator during the home visit! Fret not, you'll always be remembered and contacted by me! :)
Day 6 (Jesus Healer's Fellowship Church) "Sunday Service"
a) Attended service but more as of an observer. Tears welled up in my eyes as Joe was praying for those Christians that went up to him.
b) Watched 'Casino Royale' with Joe and some other mentors.
Day 7, 8 (Cantipla Mountains) "Where sheer grit and determination overcame the chills"
a) Assisted in the construction of a water tank and laying of ridiculously long water hoses. Undoubtedly, the most physically demanding project of all. Had to help in the moving of hollow blocks, sand and gravel. Then we helped to fill the embankment with soil for what lasted like 3-4 hours.
b) Ran a Christmas party for the 100 kids and their families. Crowd control for me was a nerve wrecking task in face of these kids!
Day 9 (On the sea) "The getaway on a yatch"
a) Sightseeing along the Coast of Manila (not too sure about the name)
b) Snorkelling in the sparkling clear waters and saw the spectacular starfishes and corals. As though i tuned into Discovery Channel!
c) Jetski with a close friend that i made during the trip. The reflections of the rainbows on the water surface and the feeling of having wind blow into our faces at high speed - all etched deeply in my memories. Second jetski attempt with Guiquan was nerve wrecking and horrendous. We overturned three times and the instructor was even laughing at us. Worst thing was we got stung by jellyfishes!
Day 10 (Cebu Shalom Centre, Lapu Lapu Slums) "Departure day, of tears and unwillingness"
a) Did a final site visit to both project sites of which one i was taking charge of. Saw the constructed toilet cubicles and water pumps and was showered with words of thanks and gifts.
Indeed, the impact i left in the lives of the people i've touched in this short stint at Cebu was far greater than i had expected. Apart from the gifts i had bought for myself, friends and familiy in Singapore, I brought a big pack of gifts. From the well thought-of letters, intricate gifts and warm smiles and handshake from the people alike, we were not just mere volunteers from Singapore. But we became their "special friend" and "best friend" and they even promised "they will await our return to Philippines one day"
As a matter of fact, I've heard many quote worthy statements during this trip. Perhaps i'll share one to close this prologue of mine. This was from my social worker in charge, Joe. He said,
" the greatest gift you can give to the people is yourself, not the bowls of porridge, food packs or even the presents you brought for the kids. "
In this aspect, i certainly believe we have all succeeded. We gave them our heart, love and attention and we were duly reciprocated with the warm handshakes, grateful words of thanks and the loads of gifts. Touched and grateful we are for our efforts in the physical work and attempts in human interaction paid of!
Footprints' 06 Expedition at Cebu has made me realise and know of Philippines not only as a land where domestic helpers in Singapore hail from but more so; a land of smiles and hospitality, cherished experiences and fond memories.
(To be continued!)
Monday, November 13, 2006
to te mo tired.
my friends in camp have said they pale to me in comparison to them in terms of how we all utilise all time and spend our lives and they said i live a rather fufilling life because my time is spent on volunteering, planning for my trip and event and learning japanese. sometimes, i dont know the reason for engaging so many different tasks at the same time. the ambitious streak in me? it strikes ever so often, especially so lately. as if my schedule is not packed enough, i signed up for a fund raising workshop next weekend from 9-5 each day and making up my japanese class which is supposedly on sunday, on my birthday.
next week proves to me to a hectic one for me. tuesday, i've to present a proposal to the commanding officer (co) and all the other big shots officers about the kayaking competition which im pushing it to a squadron level event. presentations shouldnt be too difficult for me lest the minor hiccups here and there during my presentation that i hope will be kept to the barest minimal!
also on my to-do list...
1) to find the quotations for logistical transport and trophies for my event.
2) liase with pastor alex for the project i'm taking charge in philippines (to build a toilet cubicle, 2 x water pumps and running a feeding programme - porridge with egg for 100 families!)
3) doing up a master log list
4) sourcing for sponsorships for prizes and thinking of possible prizes
5) trip preparation in terms of exchanging currency
6) get vaccinated.
that's for my expedition alone. what's more, i'm also the treasurer for de:xufto 07 camp for scouts next year and i'm procrastinating much on this. havent done up the template and started budgetting.
as of now, i feel like a giant balloon waiting to be pricked. so full on the outside, but so empty in the inside? i bought fish leong's latest album, it's great to listen to these therapeutic tunes.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
hodgepodge of muses.
that aside, my life has gotten a tad more fufilling. jap classes started last sunday and i'm glad i had started all over from elementary 1 because my 1.5 year of jap basics barely allowed me to get through the first lesson. seemingly, my class profile is also rather cosmopolitan in the sense that we have malaysians, indonesians and singaporeans studying jap. apparently, my bunkmates have said that i'm hardworking and really into the process of self enrichment and they seem inspired too. good thing eh, i'm a positive externality!
speaking about economics, i borrowed two books yesterday. one's freakonomics while another is about hard hitter selling. i believe these two genres in general are really intriguing and appealing to me. freakonomics has been a good book so far as the author, steve levitt, deciphers certain myths from an economic point of view and using economics as a social science to investigate certain conventional wisdom. and did you actually realise that 'the apprentice' season premiere commenced on sunday night too. impressive credentials (harvard biz sch, young entrepreneurs, attorney and what not) were but ubiquitous in the show. but what really wowed me was that they were vocal, confident and had this air of professionalism and 'zai-ness' around them, especially when they were hawking memberships as part of the first round competition to consumers. sales and retails, remain as one of the field i'm passionate in. i believe it's a challenging one as you have to take into account many factors e.g. product knowledge, body language, communication competency etc. so that your consumers will be bought into buying your product! and my second book does shed some light on it. haha, but i hope it wont be yet another leisure read and may i pick up another thing or two.
something that left me thinking occured yesterday while i was leaving from my grandma's house after visiting her. an old folk was pushing his cycle while the front basket was filled by items like screwdrivers, pot and a saw. he gave me a meek smile while i tried to give way to him along the narrow path. he then tried to mount on the bike but lost his balance in the process and fell sideways. fortunately, it wasn't really a bad fall. but it dawned upon me that as one gets older, one becomes more vulnerable and precarious to accidents. what if this old folk (touch wood) had a bad fall into the drain and no one noticed? i shudder at that thought and the very sight. in fact, all the while i always have this sort of emotional attachment towards the elderly. be it during dramas or in reality, they always display this sort of vulnerability and the desire to be taken care by someone but it doesn't really happen. and when it really doesn't happen and something bad happens to them, there's always this feeling of 'xin suan' or rather your heart feels for this old folk and that you feel you should do a little something for him or her. yet all the more, i (we) often negelect my(our) own folks and take their presence for granted.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
stalled life no more.
yesterday, i went to delfi orchard to sign up for my elementary 1 japanese course. i'm so motivated to master japanese and attain my qualifications. also, i was informed by joe from ReachFSC that the dates for the ocip has been finalised. it's from the 4/12 to 14/12 at philipines, cebu! i have no idea what will be in store for me over at cebu, but i'll be certain i'll go there with an open heart to look, learn and empathise. afterall, what can beat being there and understanding the situation in first hand? not the excerpts from those that went before nor the documentaries on television. more importantly, i hope to gain a new direction in life, to be more aware of what i want and what i have.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
day shoot - 8/16
night shoot 10/12
4 short!
anyway, i watched akeelah and the bee on wednesday. really liked that show alot for it's really inspiring and it makes you learn.
taken from the movie,
"Our Deepest Fear" by Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate -
our deepest fear is that
we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?'
Actually, who are you not to be?
Monday, September 04, 2006
of tears with a bitter aftertaste
i guess my grandma was the most affected one. imagining sending your own daughter off or rather what the chinese say "bai fa ren song hei fa ren" it's not frequent that you see one's eyes red swollen and teary but it kinda hurts my heart to see such a scene too. fortunately my grandpa who's in an old folks' home isnt informed as he's suffering from mild dementia. maybe it proves the adage - ignore is bliss, is true afterall.
when the floodgates break open, tears just keep pouring.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
People Rest I Do Extra
will you love me in the morning?
forever and ever.
Friday, August 11, 2006
insensitive me.
then i popped a question (in chinese), "how come you eat out, no one's cooking at home" he replied " who's there to cook for me". i said "your mum? she's working ah?" he told me "she's already in heaven, how to cook" then i sort of changed the topic. in the midst of eating, i sneaked a peek at him and saw his eyes were red and watery. i realised i just released the floodgates to his memories. sometimes insensitivity can really hurt, and i realised im guilty of that this time.
when i went home expecting home cooked dinner by mum, i realised she's working. fridays are normal off days but because of her annual golf sales, she's not taking any off days as a sales supervisor. no off days for the whole of a month and she's practically working 5 1/2 days. i feel it's so absurd to do so but she's plain stubborn. it's like she's reaching her threshold but she just doesnt relent.
i read a movie review on the movie "click" a few days ago. the lesson they reviewer said viewers ought to take home should be not to take things around you for granted.
how true is that... for negligence can only result in pain.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
this week passed seemingly peacefully or rather, i'd say it's yet another week in the army. except that i picked lots and unforunately became a toolbox i/c. what luck hor. also, the ICTs came in for their reservice and my friend and i were like teaching/refreshing them on our daily checks. and my flight oc was talking to me and my friends over lunch. he's quite a nice and warm superior considering his background - a scholar who got his bachelors at edinburgh and masters at yales in econs. in fact, he was asking if we were interested in going on an overseas exercise in thailand for the whole of january next year. a remuneration of 750 bucks but at the same time, the whole of cny will be burnt lah. moreover, i reckon i'm not the outfield kinda guy.
had our usual flight run which was around 3-4km but i thought i could have lasted further at the pace. am feeling so motivated to run and pump! let's hope this motivation that's brewing isnt a fleeting one! :)
Sunday, July 23, 2006
pedals up! gobble down!
i went dragonboating with the reach mentors and mentees today. it was whoppee great fun dragonboating and i think i prefer dragonboating to kayakking because the former really brings out the competitive streak in us. i must say i do have an innate fear i.e - public speaking. it doesnt happen when it's like for a small group of people but when everytime i'm made to say something to a large crowd, my face will get flushed and butterflies start popping out of the cocoons in my stomach. it ends up with me giving an abrupt and disorganised delivery of what i've to say. in fact, i've read a book by adam khoo recently. it's the kind of motivational books and gives you advice and tips on how to maximise your potential blah blah blah. as a matter of fact, many people are skeptical of such theories in the first place and i happen to be one of them too. however, i'll learn to overcome this fear through the old and tested formula - practice!
putting that small worry of mine aside, i'm uber glad i've got a new mentee under my care. well fortunately, i think we hit if off quite well lah. he's a nt student still in secondary school taking n levels. after chatting with him, i'm glad (yes again, sorry for my lack of vocabulary) that he's kinda driven and motivated lah. he told me that he aims to get into infocomm tech in ite then to temasek poly after getting an average of 70 in year one of ite. i had him to promise me that he'll call me whenever he needs help in his academics and i'll be tutoring him every weekend as much as possible. suddenly, i realised it's comforting to know that your little actions can touch the lives of others but in a positive way of course.
after that, i met up with the my old gang mates again. nominal roll: bunny, chris, boss, victor and hongzhou. gy's stucked in ndp with saikang and we did expressed that we missed his crap nowadays lol. ironic huh. i guess the best part of our get together was during our way to and during our steamboat dinner. i think marina bay really holds some special meaning to this group of us. our post prelims class outing, numerous gang outings and not forgetting the dare which i made to the gang to go to marina bay for steamboat after our GP BRIDGE session. and yes, everytime on the way there we'll meet the 'zhenfa huo hai xian' aunty who tries to promote her free transport cum free drink deal. and today, i acted as a sichuan tourist from china lol and hop on the van anyway. end up we didnt patronise zhenfa coz i think it's too crowded and the food so so only.
it's times like this where we get to blabber about anything and everything in our lives - past, present and future. the topics never run dry and in fact, fond memories just gushes out as if from a floodgate. laughing at the silly things we did in the past and bitching about our lives.
it's times like this when i realised im in bliss.
Friday, July 21, 2006
it's a real small world.
anyway, remember i had previously mentioned two of my primary schoolmates are now my bunkmates. just a few nights ago, we chatted late into night about our old primary school days. from recollecting the days when our stern yet fatherly form teacher holded us in class during recess time to updating each other on the lives of our other classmates. catching up on old times brings back fond memories especially when it's a dig at you. for e.g. something my friend, darren said. "ben loh you arh, last time always walk around like a fat boss because you were so very happy that your exam results won ben sim" however, anyway, that is really so untrue of me. then came a barrage of digs and sarcasm at each other.
but all in the name of friendship :)
Friday, June 30, 2006
sasha bears!
okay i'll go straight to the point. im currently planning a project titled 'to "bear a cause" take a look at sashabear (collectible teddy bears!). i happened to know some people on the forum online and apparently someone has the contact to the representatives of sasha bear.
so we are coming up with a project as titled "bear a cause" now we are still in the process of forming the committee. in this project, we'll find volunteers to join us in a workshop conducted by sashabear reps then handmake our own bears with own designs and such. then we'll sell or auction them to the public and donate the earnings to some homes or organisations.
interested? if you are, drop me a sms or tag at my tagboard!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
today, i went kayakking with reach mentors and mentees. during lunch, it was interesting to listen to two senior mentors, one 26 and another 29, share about their love lives and their take on relationships and marriage etc. lol, it's rather tickling to know that a table of guys with varied profiles (from age 13 to 29) talk about bgr and such. intriguing stuff =)
and... i found a video which captures glimpses of my life hahaha.
Friday, June 23, 2006
well today, my 3 days Basical Biological Chemical Defence Training (BBCDT) culminated with our gas chamber test at a facility near sispec. so we had to donned the whole set of equipment including the coveralls, slacks, mask and inner/outer gloves. prior to stepping into the chamber, i had this morbid feeling or rather emotional connection. i somehow could feel what the victims of the holocaust experienced. in the chamber, we did some exercises that were meant to "stretch" our gear and well... test whether our gas mask was working well. we then carried out our canister changing drill while holding our breath and keeping our eyes shut (gasp)
fortunately, i completed the drill without any hiccups. the bad thing was sweating like a piggg under the sweltering heat because of the layers of clothes. the worse thing was i breathe in a few breaths of the CS gas. the worst thing was being in the chamber actually creates a claustrophic environment. now i could really empathise.
the test ended with me taking out my mask and reading aloud my nric, rank and name to my instructor with my eyes opened. then i staggered my way through. wahhh the stinging feeling is damn intense! as if dipping your face into mala huo guo (steamboat) filled with chili padi and getting sprinkled with pepper powder. the instructors said my facial expressions were very classic and told me not to make monkey faces if not they will take a photo of me -___-
nevertheless, this is one hell of an experience in my 2 years stint before i yell 'ORD LO'
Friday, June 16, 2006
passed out
many a time, im torn between passion driven aspirations and the need for plain realism. but more than not, my self deprecation somehow always gets the upperhand. so dont blame me for the past few angsty entries eh. im generally an easily satisfied person, so to speak.
and my appreciation for the chinese language got re-ignited when my course sgt was having difficulty reading some chinese poems on zaobao and he asked around for help, but not from me. haha, i not from cheena high so cheena not as good as them mah haha. that aside, i came across something interesting from another blog...
烟花 还是没看到
烟花 是要他人放给你看的
我一直没等到 因为我是放烟花的人
我只要看 烟花
可以不可以 放一场
可能 太期待
烟花 就美不起来
或许 烟花的绮丽
haha, are beautiful things made shortlived? maybe.
not convinced? ask my hips then.
why? coz my hips don't lie.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
it's over
i also learnt a new lesson. that inter personal relations is a very delicate issue to grapple with. some of my fellow coursemates and i have came to a common consensus that our superiors do indeed favour some people i.e. bias. not that im green about that or that some of them do pander or not towards superiors, i feel that when it comes to inter personal relations, i still have much to learn. as of now, im not the type of surbodinate (in army) that superiors will especially take note of. in fact upon entering the army, i have toned down very much. kinda drawn further into my comfort zone which is unhealthy i admit. i'll have to learn to open up one way or another.
but at the end of the day, i certainly aint a sucker for companionship. period.
Friday, June 02, 2006
i finally read "Tuesdays with Morrie". it was a very nice and light read like five people and it's written in the similar way with interchanges of the past and present. but it's more thought provoking. so much so that i kinda lost sleep yesterday night. after reading the book, i was somehow compelled to question myself if i am going to end up living like mitch - a high paying journalist then with a fat paycheck that came with sleepless nights at his office desk, drowning himself with caffeine. materially fufilled and complete albeit disillusioned and driven by wealth as dictated by the existent socio-culutral mores.
it's very much like what the book shared about the difficulty in striking the balance - "the tension of the opposites". it's as if a mental struggle... the rational and practical me is telling me i have to get a degree, a job, financial independence and so on. besides, living in my self enclosed ivory tower of idealism does not equate to survival in a pragmatic society. the idealistic me tells me i should attempt things i never dared to and always wanted to. what that encompasses, im still on my way in my journey of discovery called "life". when i have consolidated that checklist, perhaps i might just dump everything aside and pursue them. meanwhile, i can only grapple with what life throws me and tackle every ordeal that comes my way a step at a time. giant leaps i may not be apt at but i'll thrive with every baby step i take.
come next week, i'll be meeting wenqian for farewell lunch. this buddy of mine i've made since my scouting days is going to uk's imperial college to study chemical engineering. how cool. it'll certainly be long before i'll meet him again.
goodbye to you my trusted friend. take care.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
in the early morning, i went to an interview for volunteering. turned out the programme is actually quite an interesting one. besides the usual volunteering which involves youth conselling, mentoring and tutoring, the volunteers get to learn some new skills like kayakking and there's even an overseas cip trip at the end of the year. im kinda interested and if i successfully complete the course i can clear several components for my nyaa gold. hmm but only thing im afraid is i cant commit because of duties after i pass out. guess i can only think about that when it really comes.
after that, i went to donate blood. had an interesting talk with the staff over there coz now they give out the 'squeezing ball' based on seasons. she told me during cny period, the 'squeezing ball' was a mandarin orange. and i got one soccer ball because the world cup fever has apparently strucked the bloodbank too hahaha. as i was leaving the place, got one old indian woman that donated blood suddenly fainted lah. then the situation was so hectic, lucky the doctor propped up her a stretcher and i think she should be doing fine. went to marina sq to walk walk then eat carl's jr. damn ex. but damn full also. first time a junk foodie like me will surrender when facing fast food. then visited my grandma after that.
evening was the ceremony at the cc with the mass parent's day held in tandem. so the event was kinda senior citizen oriented lah because alot of elderly people took part. but it was fairly entertaining i must say. got song performance, dance performance and even fashion show. most imptly got to know the others that joined the comp too and the organising comm. people. and i talked much with this senior frm ntu lah. she's already a 3rd yr civil engineering student and she was sharing with me how much a struggle it was for her in ntu. all because she hates physics and she didnt make it to biz then. haha a fellow anti physics comrade. actually im anti science. talked from ntu env to hall life to a lvl econs to overseas exchange. it'll definitely be an exciting life after ord!
and a meaningful one before ord. i hope. =)
Friday, May 19, 2006
high arh!
first talk about my experience of being i/c in my new camp. i think being i/c in bmt was still much slacker though i had to take care of 50 ppl instead of only 20 now. over here at lim chu kang camp the worst thing i experienced takes place in the morning. generally all of my coursemates are light sleepers but there are 4 heavenly kings that really can sleep. even when i switch on all the lights, they'll still shut themsleves out of reality under their blankets and pillow. so i've to like give them a gentle tap and remind them in a gentle tone 'sir, it's time to wake up for our morning run and breakfast' yeah seems like i have the makings of a servant, a very dedicated one so to speak.
i received a call from family on monday that i actually won the first prize of an essay competition. f.y.i this was actually a competition i joined out of fun last december on 'how to improve your CC so that more youth can be attracted to it' apparently, the notification date for the winners was in march. so i waited and waited and sent them 2 letters to enquire about the progress. for once, i thought it's like the scholarships applications i've sent despite my mediocre results - 'yi qu bu hui tou' hey hey, then came the results out of the blue. tmr's the prize presentation ceremony followed by a dinner with mr. wong kan seng, org. comm and other winners. and they described it as an excellent socialising platform, bleahs a brain-dead nsf does need some socialising. besides, what i get to use is lush greenery, greenery lush, lush lush, greenery greenery. also scheduled tmr is an interview i gotta attend for being a volunteer tutor at some family and youth centre. it'll be a hectic day tmr.
then comes mid week on wednesday where we had our night's out. so i went to lot1 with my fellow coursmates and did the usual things like makan, shop around, play arcade. then i broke off from the main group of arnd 10 to join another 3 friends. lol suddenly one of them said he felt like drinking beer. so the four of us bought a can of heneiken each and drank outside lot1 7-11. the beer was cold and bitter and we stood outside and talked crap for around 15mins. the feeling's something i've never experienced before. it's one of the times that i really felt so light and freed of any baggage. and we actually carried out a stupid mission hahha... maybe cause of the drink, we were kinda high while walking on the long stretch of road under the gentle moonlight. we even started acting as if we were drunk in front of the other guys. this is really what i call chilling out!
last but not least, i've learnt some lit from my commanders. here it goes...
where art thou...
here i am you fat cow. (then follows some hokkien language that i couldnt catch hahah)
Friday, May 12, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
hahaha... no lah, im not trying to play you out! im trying to restore my reputation which has been tainted lor. my reputation of a studious and obliging college student. besides that occasional pranks i committed like sergeant muthu that scared the wits out of boss or impersonating muikoon to lure love besotted chris. yeah just to name a few. yesterday morning when i woke up, it was funny to hear ming han (bunny's bro) say "claps" as a form of retort. EHS! i should start claiming royalty for my taglines lor.
to backtrack abit, somehow i have something to share about 22/04/06. it was aj family day then and coincidentally, 2204 class birthday if anyone does remember it anyway. met laine mei on the way to mrt and we exchanged a few sms-es. haha i still rmb a year ago, we were gathered at the canteen for pizzas and that gy's little antic of koping the last slice of pizza irked so many of our class ppl lah. now, the girls are working and guys are slogging, so distant we are now. and bunny and i was talking to mr. chan on that day. in fact, we were very glad to realise that he's not only just yet another pd tutor per se but is still very much concerned about our class ppl too. so we talked outside the general office for quite some time about our future plans, how our class people are doing etc. oh yah, mr. chan said he wanted to give me a box because i got a "c" for physics lol. i dont know how i managed to do that anyway. last but not least, he said we can visit him come x'mas or cny for a gathering to catch up. well, i'll definitely be looking forward to it if it's organised.
speaking of my future plans. im accepted into ntu (acc) and nus (biz wif acc spec) but smu appln is still pending. i think most prob they have rejected me coz i wasnt very convincing during the interview when i was questioned on why i chose accountancy. frankly, im more inclined towards choosing smu becoz firstly i dont really wanna live away from family. it will be so for ntu/nus as i'll be living in hostels. secondly, i'd prefer a more spontaneous learning setting i.e. no more lectures please. but now, im thrown with yet another choice. my parents asked me to research on the cost of overseas education. as usual, i retorted and questioned if they have enough money. they told me that if they dont have enough money, i just have to study full time and work part time. they said i should venture abroad when im young and that so many youngsters have done it, there's no reason why i cant. for once, i thought my dreams of an overseas education was dashed once i received my lack lustre results from mr.chan. but now, it has re-surfaced as a viable option. as always, i'll really look forward to the exposure and experience of living and working alone, especially in another country (kinda contradicting ehs). moreover, i believe the three or four years of my life elsewhere will definitely be worth my time and effort there.
bleahs, so i really need to give some serious thought to this now.
meanwhile, i'm kinda gluing my direction in life to a word - self-fufilment. watching bunny spend his 19th birthday and age, i realise that soon i will be nineteen too and yet a little longer i will be a teen no more. life is incredibly short and time really fleets like i always say. there's so many things i want to do and achieve, if i dont do it now or soon, i'll be facing my mid-life crisis in no time. it's now or never. hence, i will really have to live my life feeling fufilled and enriched.
and i hope you will too.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
late night entry

dots, thanks hor. but nevertheless happy 19th birthday babe if you happen to read this. may your blessed one pop around in your life at the right time soon! =D
so... im glad miss witch and bunny are the new visitors of my blog haha. im kinda surprised actually. =)
today's morning was spent rather productively. in the morning, i was almost late for a talk on financial tips for the young at ntuc income centre. almost lost my way there and i started running when i saw the time on my phone. and as expected, it's a talk on investment linked plans. although it's yet another promotional talk, i learnt abit about equities and bonds. equities having higher returns but coupled with higher risk while bonds are the converse. also realised that there are a couple "layers" of fees that you actually pay i.e. to agents, fund managers etc. also, dr. money's there. for those that dont know him, he's the guy that gives periodic financial advice to the new paper. and apparently, the talk was conducted by the famous sudoku guy, the ceo of ntuc mr. tan kim lian. guess finance is really something that intrigues me.
in the afternoon, i met up with bunny, hz, junhan, bunny's cousin vincent and grace for lunch at crystal jade. mr birthday boy was giving his treat woo and pooled at tpy. so we pooled till arnd 5.30 then went our separate ways. weird thing is we met again at 10 for... durian -_-. bought durians but cannot find durian spot so decided to take bus to bunny's home to eat durians. but then the fields in to his house were soaked so lucky bunny's mama fetched us right home. so that's about the itinery for today, 29/04/06.
back to the entry i typed yesterday night. training at lim chu kang camp 2 is gonna get more intense. already being taken by sergeants having underwent special ops training, we thought things couldnt get worse. instead, our training sergeant, 1sg TEE told us to prepare 4 packet drinks full of sand. so come tuesday, we'll be lugging our webbing with 2 x full water bottle and 4 x sand packet for chin-up regimes and runs. gasp. soon, i'll really be booking out in pieces on friday. but i'm shure this training will be good for us in the long run. i think it's often too tempting to look at things as per status quo. we overlook what holds in the future and in the end we make regrettable and foolish decisions. will we only learn when we fall hard and lose what's precious to us?
bleahs, late night ramblings. ignore me.
Friday, April 21, 2006
maiden entry
i've been having this numbing feeling these days every now and then, especially in this stage of my life. i have no idea how my peers are doing or how they perceive themselves in the present per se. but i'm kinda lost especially in this transitional period. the feeling of helplessness, insecurity and uncertainty. it's not here nor there, it's "in-between" in fact, i got this title after reading a forum thread mentioning that ns actually makes one feel that life has stalled and that we are brain-dead nsf. come to think of it, i havent been reading straits times and keeping to date with the "outside world" and it comes to a point that i somehow missed my GP lessons in my college days when reading periodicals is more a need than want. somehow now, the want factor overweighs the need factor.
disappointed i may be at my performance thus far, and perhaps this is a reason for me thinking that my life's stagnating, stalling and all in all - unproductive. i didnt get what i desire because i didnt work hard enough for it. but now, i'm not really bothered. my take on life has swerved from one of a result and performance oriented to that of being less demanding on myself and living to enjoy everyday as it is, albeit seriously lacking any reason for enjoyment in the first place. and life's a routine as normal- slogging for the weekdays and letting my hair down during the incredibly short weekends. i'm learning how to be happy and satisifed with the little things in life like meeting timed practical tests or just having some crap chat session with my fellow coursemates. insignificant it may be, but i guess it keeps me going on day by day. yet something i learnt from yin yue ri ji which is my best companion in a camp devoid of entertainment. nevertheless, i'll still push myself in my physical fitness. that's one aspect that i can never remain lax on.
but meanwhile, i'm really fatigued from today's pt.
nights out - 2330
reveille - 0830